What is the greatest gift we can give another person? When we really reflect on this question, our true response most certainly will be “presence.” To give another the gift of our attention, care and love is a present that is never outdated and is everlasting. Our presence is a share of ourselves, as Christ’s love is a share of the immense love of God. We who have been baptized into Christ offer that love to others through our presence as stewards of all we are and have and will be.
Through participation in the Eucharist, we are given all we need in Christ’s gift of presence with and for us. “Here people enjoy a unique union with Christ and, in him, with one another. Here, his love — indeed his very self — flows into his disciples and, through them and their practice of stewardship, to the entire human race” (“Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response,” p. 34). Our prayers, our gifts of time and talent, and our material resources are signs of our awareness that we are blessed beyond measure. Recognizing that we are “fearfully, wonderfully made,” the gift of self, our presence, is a true sign and blessing that cannot be diminished over time.
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